In the summary of our daily meeting led by Dr Jean-François Lemoine: Catherine Kirnidis and Céline Laville are nurses, one in private practice, the other in the hospital, and denounce in chorus their difficulties in obtaining medical equipment. protection for the care of Covid-19 patients; Professor Jean-Luc Harousseau, former boss of the HAS and supporter of a wider prescription of chloroquine, welcomes the visit of Emmanuel Macron to Professor Didier Raoult.
Guests of Dr. Jean-François Lemoine:
– Professor Jean-Luc Harousseau, former head of the Haute Autorité de Santé and supporter of the prescription of chloroquine for patients with Covid-19, looks back on Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Pr Raoult, emphasizing its political significance; he is also delighted with the results of the new trial carried out by Didier Raoult’s teams on more than 1,000 patients.
– Catherine Kirnidisliberal nurse and president of the SNIL, and Celine Lavillehospital nurse, president of the Interprofessional Nursing Coordination, denounce their difficulties in obtaining protective equipment such as masks or gowns and announce that they “will be able to remember having been an essential pillar in the care of patients”.