Puppy play
It occupies an important place in the education of the puppy. He only thinks of playing and that is how he will build himself. He begins to learn what he can and cannot do. The game is first and foremost a way for him to discover his body and his abilities. Running, jumping will make him aware of his limbs, his faculties.
From an early age, the puppy will play with the other puppies in the litter. It is through his games that he will begin his education. For example, young puppies play a lot at biting each other. They will quickly realize that the pressure of their teeth can hurt a lot. This is how they will learn to control themselves.
The game has a social role. It will allow him to approach other dogs and also let him know how to behave with them. It takes the form of chases, small fights or hide and seek. We can thus observe the beginnings of a hierarchy in the siblings: it is quite easy to spot the one who dominates and who is the leader.
The importance of play in dogs
Not all dogs are willing to play, but it is possible to stimulate a dog to play. There is also no age limit.
It is a physical activity and therefore a good way to let off steam for a dog. Play, in dogs, can also be lonely. Indeed, he surely has an object that interests him more than another and with which he has fun, alone.
For his health
The game will allow your dog to exercise, which is essential for maintaining good health. Doing physical exercise will, among other virtues, keep your dog in good physical condition, strengthen his cardiovascular system and maintain his healthy weight while reducing the risk of overweight. Associated with a good nutritional balance and the application of some health advice to read on the site http://www.toutoupourlechien.com, the game will allow your companion to fully express his vitality and his joie de vivre.
For his education
Play is also a way of training a dog. It can teach him simple commands such as fetching a bullet, without constraint. For example, in agility, the dog assimilates new commands while playing.
It is also a way to establish the limits not to be exceeded. So if your dog goes too far and can’t control himself because he is so annoyed by the situation, it is better to put an end to it. The owner must always master the game and never let his animal have the upper hand. Aggression is not the order of the day during these playful periods.
For the complicity between the master and his dog
Playful activities also allow the dog to strengthen ties with his master. All that is of the order of the sharing between the man and his faithful companion is only beneficial for their relationship and will increase the well-being of the dog.