Many people throw their cotton swabs in the toilet. Faced with this harmful act for the environment, these products will soon disappear, because they accumulate in aquatic environments.
Biodegradable paper rather than plastic
Don’t panic, we’ll always have something to wash our ears. However, plastic sticks will be banned from our daily lives. Welcome to sticks made from biodegradable and compostable paper. The aim is to make room for more environmentally friendly solutions.
As of January 1, 2020, the cotton swabs that we usually know will disappear from the shelves and manufacturers will have to switch to biodegradable and compostable paper. This decision was taken by Parliament, within the framework of the Biodiversity law adopted on July 20, 2016. Faced with too many of these products that end up in aquatic environments, a radical decision had to be taken.
The consumer is at fault
Besides the fact that these cotton swabs are made of plastic, it was consumer behavior that led to such a decision. According to Antidia Citores, spokesperson for the Surfrider Foundation Europe association, “ many people throw cotton swabs in the toilet bowl rather than in the bathroom trash “. She emphasizes that ” not only do they release chemicals which continue to diffuse into the environment throughout their lifespan and come to agglomerate in the plastic continent. But, in addition, they risk perforating the organs of birds and fish that ingest them. “.
It is a hard blow for manufacturers, who will have to keep up to date. Some have already stepped into the breach. The Ekibio group sells paper sticks made from 100% recyclable cellulose, bleached with hydrogen peroxide for babies, with 100% cotton ends. According to Antidia Citores, “ there are also cardboard or wooden models and reusable versions “. The best for your ears and for the environment is still to opt for hearing sprays.
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