Radio Curie is an interactive web radio unique in Europe that broadcasts until October 31 on
Intended to inform patients, their relatives and sensitize women to the breast cancer, it makes it possible to take stock of advances in research, improvement of care and quality of life for patients, from chances of recovery to genetic tests, including the attitude to adopt with those around them, the web -radio will address the different aspects of breast cancer. Testimonials from experts, patients, relatives and associations will enrich the informative content. This web radio is installed at the heart of the institute of the same name, in the Marie-Curie amphitheater.
For a month, listeners will also be able to discover chronicles broadcast in streaming, as well as a live program from the Institut Curie. It is possible to attend this program by going to the Institute between 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. (1, rue Pierre-et-Marie-Curie in the 5th arrondissement of Paris).
You will be able to listen to Dr Dominique Pierrat, deputy editor-in-chief of Top Santé magazine, on October 11 at 5.30 p.m. She will talk to you about the importance of screening and information about breast cancer via the mainstream press.
If you have specific questions about breast cancer, you can send them to They will be used to guide the debates during the various programs to best meet your expectations.