October 01, 2013 – With more than 53,000 new cases per year in France and 23,000 in Canada, breast cancer remains the most common cancer in women in the world. According to the WHO, it represents 19% of cancer diagnoses in women. Deaths from this cancer are still numerous.
This year again, on the occasion ofPink October, the month dedicated to breast cancer, the emphasis is on prevention. The earlier a breast cancer is detected, the higher the chances of recovery: detected at an early stage, the 5-year relative survival is greater than 90%, hence the extreme importance of screening.
Breast cancer screening
In this regard, 3 points are essential and are recalled on the occasion of this month dedicated to breast cancer:
1. Observation of the breasts. This observation involves a self-diagnosis which requires taking the time, whatever his age, to feel the breasts at the level of the nipple, the collarbone and the armpits in order to detect any change.
2. Clinical examination of the breasts. Making an appointment once a year with your gynecologist in order to carry out an examination is imperative, whatever the age of the woman. Mammography is an X-ray examination of the breasts that reveals very small lesions, starting from a few millimeters. These lesions are often then undetectable on palpation.
3. Mammography. It is offered by the doctor from the age of 50, but can be prescribed before, depending on the family history of the patient.
In France and Canada, all women over the age of 50 receive a free invitation for a mammogram every two years. This invitation is accompanied by a list of radiologists from their department participating in the national screening campaign, where they can appoint the radiologist of their choice.
Important reminders about breast cancer screening
Breast cancer affects 1 in 8 women in France and 1 in 9 women in Canada.
You must be regularly monitored by an attending physician or a gynecologist who will not hesitate to prescribe the necessary examinations in case of doubt. This medical follow-up must take place every 6 months or every year from the age of 30.
It is important that everyone becomes an actor of their health by performing a monthly breast self-examination. To do this properly, it is advisable to ask your gynecologist what specific actions to perform.
Anaïs Lhôte – PasseportSanté.net
On the occasion of Pink October, event month to fight against breast cancer, several events are organized throughout France and Canada. See :
www.cancerdusein.org (France)
www.rubanrose.org (Canada)