It’s scientifically proven: men are the “weaker sex”! Researchers from Duke University in North Carolina have published a study, which shows that over the past 250 years, women are actually more resilient than men, especially to epidemics and famine. Man would be threatened with extinction because his signature, his Y chromosome, is a real ruin that keeps losing its genes over its millions of years of existence…
We can evoke different hormones, our family jewels which are in danger with the wearing of too tight jeans and the rise in temperature, pollution…
We no longer count the alarming information on the drop in the number of spermatozoa in men. In 20 years a decrease of 40% would have been noted, aggravated by a drop in quality. Some researchers make it as big a problem as global warming
Many causes
Leading the way is pollution. We live surrounded by chemicals. The toxicity of phthalates on germ cells, which constitute the precursor of spermatozoa, no longer needs to be demonstrated. Just like that of pesticides which also contribute to the alteration of sperm.
Food is in the crosshairs, alcohol and tobacco which is undoubtedly the main cause. Smoking will destroy the blood vessels of the male genitalia. At the level of the penis this is responsible for an alteration in the quality and duration of the erection. At the level of the testicles, the vascular alterations lead to a more or less irreversible destruction of the production of sperm
The testicles must remain cool
We also mentioned the heat because the production of sperm is a phenomenon extremely sensitive to temperature. Sperm must be kept at a temperature between 33-34°C. Depending on the temperature, the scholarships contract or relax so as to keep this temperature constant. This is also the reason why they are outside the body!
An increase in the temperature of the testicles leads to a slowing down or even stopping of spermatogenesis. It is from this observation that we accused the jeans too tight.
Some have accused the stress, which our modern world is accustomed to, but there it would still be necessary to demonstrate that our modern life is more stressful than that contemporary with wars and famines. ..
The so-called “weak” sex is the strongest.
But the real explanation is the decay in which the Y chromosome is, transmitted from father to son, which is the main difference between male and female.
XX, we are a woman and a fan of cooking. XY, we have the right to go to war and urinate standing up. This has been the order of things since the dawn of time…
“Times, they are changin’” sings Bob Dylan… The future is not rosy for man. Or rather, it is too much. The X chromosome, which is 80 times larger than the Y chromosome, also contains 500 times more genes. The male is an imperfect combination. Take the woman: with her two Xs, one can repair the other at any time. Whereas in humans, the X and the Y are left to themselves in the event of modification.
Unable to self-repair with a partner chromosome, Y degenerates, and some predict its elimination within less than 200,000 years. Although there the interpretations vary… since a team of very serious American researchers speaks – of several tens of millions of years
You will tell me in both cases it gives a little time to research. But here too, the first experiences are not going in the right direction: It is the woman who gives birth to the man. This argument alone should have made us think. The researchers know by mixing two eggs, to give birth to a mouse inheriting from each of the mothers. Of course, this lineage is exclusively female.
The woman is not only the future of Man. She can do without him and through her genetic heritage holds the future of all humanity… The so-called “weak” sex is therefore the strongest.
How to save the man?
By making totally artificial super Y chromosomes and using the test-tube baby technique. Unless one day we can have recourse to the hermaphrodite method which allows self-fertilization. This is the solution adopted by certain plants, the solitary worm or even snails. But we will then be in a world of clones – here is another solution – which will no longer accept difference…
Doctor Jean-Francois Lemoine
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