In India, a 35-year-old man, a bus driver, complained of stomach pains. After 3 months of suffering, the doctors prescribed an endoscopy. By introducing a camera inside his body, they discover a multitude of metallic objects. After the operation, the doctors pulled out no less than 263 coins, 100 nails, a dozen razor blades and shards of glass. As the scrap had started to puncture her stomach, the operation came in time. His life is no longer in danger.
A rare eating disorder
It turns out that this person suffers from Pica’s disease. This rare eating disorder results in excessive ingestion of inedible objects that are often harmful to health. It can go soap, to wood, to stones or in this case, metal. The coins found were the change that this bus driver received from his customers.
This psychological disorder, most often observed in children, can lead to abdominal problems, but also malnutrition, dental damage, poisoning, nutritional deficiencies and intestinal perforations. This disease is often associated with another mental or behavioral disorder, such as autism, but also to a significant mineral deficiency. There is no medical treatment, and most often it goes away naturally. However, psychotherapy is sometimes recommended.
Read also :
Ayahuasca, an Amazon drug for eating disorders
Hyperphagia: when overeating becomes a disease