The drug that works in obesity and cardiovascular disease, in diabetes and depression, which slows down aging and prolongs youth, exists! What is more, it is free… But unfortunately, often not or badly prescribed by too many doctors. This truly miracle product… is physical exercise!
You are undoubtedly very numerous to be disappointed by this enticing promise as this proposal can seem banal. Still, if you knew what a few tens of minutes of exercise a day can pay off, chances are you wouldn’t even wait until after reading this page to run into your sneakers.
And you might be wrong, because there is also, in the title, the word “medicine”, which implies a whole series of indications, precautions and contraindications. This is where your doctor should intervene and it is undoubtedly through ignorance that he does not discuss the subject as often as he should. In its defense, it must be said that, even if they seem banal, all these concepts have only been verified and published in major medical conferences very recently.
Who says medicine says prescription. Because for each individual, there is a type of exercise and above all a different program.
Why does physical exercise cause weight loss and inactivity swell the belly?
Quite simply because our genes are not very far from those of the caveman who only had hunting as his main preoccupation. Try chasing a hare and you will see why they were skinny and why they had developed a thrift gene that allowed them to store for times of starvation. Modern man has sought remedies for the diseases of poverty. He had forgotten that he still has this savings gene – and probably for a long time. A gene which, far from protecting it like its ancestors, now, on the contrary, puts its very existence in danger. From now on survival, for hundreds of millions of inhabitants of this planet, requires the fight against the pathologies of opulence and the stress of modern life.
In whom is physical exercise prohibited?
Almost no one … But beware! At no time did we talk about sport. It is our heartbeats, their speed, which define the zone from which we pass from one to the other. If sport can sometimes be dangerous, physical activity with an upper limit to the heart rate has never killed anyone… This is precisely what your doctor should explain to you; just as, depending on your morphology, your age and your tastes, he must advise you on the type of activity to practice.
Then, as with any good prescription, there are the doses. Know that small daily durations are less effective than 3 to 4 good weekly sessions.
To verify the accuracy of these tips, which may make you smile or shrug, there is one unstoppable proof: the blood test. In less than three months of regular activity, for example 1 hour three times a week, all those who are limited in blood sugar, cholesterol or even triglycerides, will be able to see the exceptional effectiveness of this prescription.
For more information: “Finally prescribe physical exercise”, a program on the VYV medical frequency channel.
It is obvious to all the specialties of medicine: physical exercise can be considered a free universal drug, effective, almost without contraindications and side effects. It is also obvious: the message does not get through. Probably due to the sport / exercise confusion which disrupts understanding and limits prescriptions. The name Adapted Physical Activity has been proposing for twenty years to summarize all physical activities, even artistic, to arrive at a reimbursement. Health Insurance does not – wrongly – make it a priority. Also, doctors hesitate to formalize a prescription. Defining the “prescription sheet” for this essential therapy will be the goal of the show below. The guest is a major player in the subject. Professor Gérard Saillant is known worldwide for having operated, when he was head of the orthopedics department at La Pitié, on the greatest athletes on the planet. He is still one of the most consulted specialists for his expertise. But he also decided to devote most of his time to this new fight: that physical exercise be prescribed at the height of its effectiveness to participate in a certain form of rescue by moving its inhabitants.
Understand in order to act… All the broadcasts of the VYV Fréquence Médicale channel: