Colds: herbal medicine to the rescue
Use plants to calm a nasopharyngitis that drags on, why not! Thyme fights viral infection: leave to infuse 10 min 1 c. c. of thyme in a large cup of boiling water to make an anti-infectious herbal tea to sip 3 times a day.
Against blocked, irritated and runny noses, we invoke eucalyptus! Place a few leaves (ideally fresh) in a boiling bowl, cover your head with a towel and lean over the bowl (without burning yourself) to breathe in the steam deeply – to do 2 or 3 times per day.
Colds: essential oils to have at home
Eucalyptus is once again “the” most appropriate remedy. From the age of 6, 2 pure drops of Eucalyptus Radiata essential oil (Eucalyptus radiata Siebold : not to be confused with other eucalyptus essential oils!) under the tongue 4 times a day for 2 days.
>> From the age of 3take a deep breath directly above the open bottle, 4 to 6 times a day.
Common cold: homeopathic remedies that work
Without contraindications, homeopathy is suitable even for young children and babies. In the event of a cold, we relieve on a case-by-case basis: if we have caught a cold snap, we need Aconitum Napellus 5 CH (2 granules 3 times a day if the cold was dry) or Dulcamara 15 CH (5 pellets every 2 hours if the cold was damp).
If you have a runny nose, put on Allium Cepa 9 CH (5 granules 4 to 5 times a day if the flow is clear with sneezing) or Kalium Sulfuricum 9 CH (5 granules 3 times a day if the flow is yellowish).
Finally, if you have a stuffy and runny nose, Nux Vomica 5 CH is our best ally (5 granules 4 times a day).
Our expert : Dr Franck Gigon, medical doctor, micronutritionist and phytotherapist, author of Longevity and full health, the unveiled secret of the best natural ingredients (ed. Marie Claire)
Read also :
- Stuffy nose, runny nose: 7 tips for sleeping well anyway
- Colds: what you need to know before taking Actifed
- Cold or Covid-19, how to tell the difference?
- Sinusitis: what symptoms, how to treat it?