The period pain, the one that doctors commonly call “dysmenorrhea” has finally been recognized! In an interview with Quartz magazine, Professor John Guillebaud, professor of reproductive health at University College London (Great Britain) said that this pain was “almost as strong as a heart attack”.
One in two women suffers during menstruation
The period pain usually occur just before they start, and most often last a day or two, sometimes until after your period, and then increasing. According to the scarce data available, the prevalence of dysmenorrhea in women aged 15 to 50 could be around 50%, or around 7 million women in France. Note that this prevalence decreases with age and the use of oral contraception. According to experts, 12 to 35% of dysmenorrhea require analgesic treatment.
For Doctor Guillebaud, the pain of menstruation is not sufficiently taken into account by the scientific community. “Strangely enough, I see this in doctors of both sexes. Men don’t know about this problem and they underestimate its seriousness. And some female doctors don’t have much empathy because they themselves aren’t in too much pain. and think some patients are exaggerating. “
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