December 11, 2017.
According to a study conducted by a team of researchers from the University of Padua, Italy, men have lost nearly a centimeter of penis between 1948 and 2012. Explanations.
Hormonal upheavals involved
This is news that may worry more than one: the size of the penis of men decreases a little more year after year. This is what Italian researchers reveal in a study published in Corriere della Serra. According to this work, the average penis length would have increased from 9.7 cm at rest in 1948 to 8.9 cm in 2012. That’s 1 centimeter in just over 60 years.
According to Professor Carlos Foresta who led this work, this change in penis size is due in large part to ” environmental changes “. She explains in particular that” there is a link between changes in the size of the limbs of the human body and hormonal upheavals. ” The most likely hypothesis is that changes in our environment can influence the endocrine system “And therefore have an impact on the size of the penises,” she explains in the Italian newspaper.
Our lifestyles are at stake
What the researchers also found was that the size of the arms and legs increased over the same period. And this could be explained once again by hormonal upheavals caused by the evolution of our lifestyles, our diet, the products we use and their lot of endocrine disruptors, the pollution we are increasingly confronted with …
Regarding the size of the penis, overweight and obesity would also be involved. Being overweight is indeed harmful for hormone production, especially during adolescence. ” The length of the penis is inversely proportional to overweight », Explains Professor Carlos Foresta, who has followed nearly 2,000 men for more than twenty years. That is what is said.
Claire Verdier
Read also: Are female pleasure and penis size linked?