May 10, 2018.
According to a study conducted by a team of researchers from Saint Michael’s Hospital in Toronto (Canada), eating pasta could make you lose weight. Explanations.
Losing weight with pasta is possible!
We very often tend to think that pasta makes you fat. But a study, published in the serious British Medical Journal, calls into question this received idea. According to this work, Italians’ favorite dish might even promote weight loss. To reach this surprising conclusion, the researchers put more than 2,000 people on a specific diet: three rations of pasta per week.
They were thus able to observe that the participants had lost weight during the experiment. But why, in this case, we always associate pasta with weight gain? According to the authors of this work, pasta are carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index, that is, they do not significantly increase the level of sugar in the blood.
Think about consuming slow sugars
What makes you fat, on the other hand, is what we put in pasta : butter, olive oil, cheese, fatty and sweet sauces, bacon, cream … If you love pasta and want to fit into your swimsuit this summer, you should therefore not to give up pasta, but only to review the way of tasting it. According to the researchers, pasta can even be considered a healthy diet.
” Consuming slow sugars, such as pasta, does not contribute to weight gain or increase in body fat Commented Dr. John Sievenpiper, clinician scientist at the Center for Clinical Nutrition and Risk Modification at St. Michael’s Hospital, who led this work. Pasta also has a satiating effect, which is great when looking to lose weight. That’s a good news !
Marine Rondot
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