Advances in new technologies are becoming increasingly useful in healthcare. Researchers from Seoul National University are currently working on a high tech patch capable of monitoring the muscle tremors associated with the disease of Parkinson’s and epilepsy. The results of this study were published by the journal Nature Nanotechnology.
Thanks to its flexible sensors, it is flexible and elastic, while having an integrated memory. It can be placed on the skin, heart and brain. Equipped with nanosensors, gold and chromium nanowires, and silica nanoparticles, the patch could also deliver the treatment adapted to the disease by diffusing molecules through the skin. Data is stored and compared, allowing the patch to determine when the patient needs their medication.
Technically, nanosensors monitor muscle movements, nanowires monitor temperature, and nanoparticles retain molecules, which are delivered as the nanowires heat up. For the moment, this device is equipped with a power source and a transmitter, but the researchers are working to build a wireless model. The goal is to make patients perfectly independent and autonomous.