It was following the use of various pesticides for thirty years as part of his work that Gérard Marquois, 60, a farmer from Vienne, developed Parkinson’s disease in 2007.
Official link between pesticides and Parkinson’s disease
After having tried in vain for several years to have social security recognize the link between his illness and his professional activity, this farmer from Vienne finally saw his fight succeed.
The link between Parkinson’s disease and occupational exposure to pesticides was recognized in 2009. But it is a decree, published in May 2012, which formalizes the matter and allows the situation to be resolved for our farmer. This decree allows farmers to register Parkinson’s disease on the list of occupational diseases under certain conditions, which now greatly facilitates the procedures for the persons concerned. Gérard Marquois is the first in France to benefit from this recognition.
The Vienne farmer can now expect 100% coverage of his medical and surgical care, daily allowances in the event of work stoppage or even compensation in the event of permanent disability. Remember that Parkinson’s disease is a progressive degenerative disease characterized by tremors and difficulty in moving and performing everyday actions.
Parkinson’s recognized as an occupational disease
Three conditions must be met to allow coverage in the event of an occupational disease:
– Your illness must be listed on one of the occupational disease tables.
– You must have been exposed to the risk and provide evidence of this.
– Your illness must have been certified by a doctor within a certain period provided for in the tables and beginning at the end of the exposure to the risk.
If the occupational disease is not listed in the tables of occupational diseases, it is a Regional Committee for the Recognition of Occupational Diseases (CRRMP), made up of medical experts, which gives its opinion on a case-by-case basis to the insurance fund. Sickness.