On the occasion of the first Conference of Cities Committed to End to AIDSwhich is currently being held in London (Great Britain), the city of Paris and the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Ile-de-France have just announced a 16% drop in new HIV infection diagnoses between 2015 and 2018, mainly among gay or bisexual men.
An increase in screening
In 2018, 906 Parisians learned of their HIV status, against 1078 in 2015. This drop is particularly marked among men who have sex with men (- 22%). “These encouraging results are to be seen in relation to a increased screening over the last two years: the number of HIV serologies carried out in Paris fell from 485,000 in 2016, the lowest year since 2011, to 534,000 in 2018 (+ 10%) “underlines the ARS in a press release.
“The sooner an infected person is detected, the sooner start treatmentallowing him to living with HIV. It is now known that an HIV-positive person on treatment no longer transmits HIV. Early detection is therefore an important prevention tool, this is called the “Tasp effect”, treatment as prevention “.
For the first time in 10 years, Paris has seen a 16% drop in new discoveries of seropositivity!
Confirmation of the effectiveness of screening, prevention and promotion of #Prep targeting pops. the most vulnerable to #HIV. https://t.co/jQWG32WTEr– Association AIDES (@assoAIDES) September 9, 2019
Read also :
- An implant that protects against HIV for a year
- HIV: how does it work in the body?
- AIDS: often detected 3 years after infection