The young woman underwent surgery to remove an ovarian tumor at the age of 17. Today, Agathe Cauet wishes to mobilize for the fight against cancer.
- On average, borderline tumors occur ten years earlier, compared to malignant tumors.
- Recurrences may appear late, up to 20 years after the initial treatment.
“I fall from the clouds, I’m on my little cloud“, said Agathe Cauet to The voice of the North, a few minutes after being elected miss Nord-Pas-de-Calais. A few days later, in an interview with the same media, she returned to her journey and an event that particularly marked her. When she was a high school student, she underwent surgery to remove a tumor from her ovary.
A nine-kilogram tumor in the ovary, diagnosed at 17
“I had a borderline tumor of 9 kg at 17 years oldshe develops. I was in final year, I was hospitalized at Oscar-Lambret (the regional center for the fight against cancer in Hauts-de-France, editor’s note). The doctors had prepared me for the worst with, in particular, possible chemotherapy.“Surgery removed the tumour, without the need for chemotherapy, but the ordeal left its mark on the young woman.”The operation cured me but I did not forget the very human side of the hospital and I wanted to help in my turn“She studied nursing, and after graduating in 2020, she worked in a Covid unit.”I thought to myself that I was needed. I got involved, like all caregivers“, she says. For a while, her daily life as a nurse is put on hold, to live the Miss France adventure. However, Agathe Cauet does not forget her journey. In an interview with France Blue Northshe said she wanted to take advantage of her year as Miss Nord-Pas-de-Calais to “champion the cause of the fight against cancer“.
What is the borderline tumor which the Miss suffered from?
According to the expert centers for rare gynecological malignanciesborderline tumors are “lesions which include certain abnormalities, in particular microscopic, common with cancers, nevertheless it is not a question of ‘cancer’ in the strict sense of the term”. In a third of cases, they concern young patients. Considered to have a very good prognosis, they are most often treated by surgery. “The only indications for chemotherapy are the presence of invasive peritoneal implants and certain forms of lymph node involvement., specify these specialists. The concept of invasive peritoneal implants corresponds to a migration of cells on the peritoneum, the membrane that covers the interior walls of the abdomen, and the organs located there. Insofar as a recurrence, even late, is possible, the patients must be followed regularly. “Recurrences do not jeopardize the vital prognosis of patients since they most often occur in a ‘borderline’ mode, i.e. non-cancerous, and therefore have a good prognosis”, specifies the document of the expert centers of rare gynecological malignancies. In the case of Agathe Cauet, she is in good health today and has survived this ordeal.a scar on his stomach. “The story ends well“, concluded the new miss at the microphone of France Blue North.