Patients have every interest in benefiting from outpatient surgery, that is to say leaving the hospital or clinic on the very day of the operation, but there are still not enough French establishments to have converted. according to a report from the Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) made public yesterday.
When we know that more than 70% of operations in the United States, England and Canada are done on an outpatient basis, we wonder why French hospitals have so little use. All the more so since it is not a question of learning new techniques but only of optimizing the organization in hospital services. The HAS recommends shortening circuits, anticipating the arrival of patients, greater availability of nursing staff and stretcher bearers. The aim is to limit downtime as much as possible in order to reduce patient waiting times.
An acceleration is now expected thanks to the work presented last Tuesday by the High Authority for Health (HAS) and the National Agency to support the performance of health and medico-social establishments (Anap). New recommendations and practical sheets have been communicated to help establishments promote outpatient surgery. The Minister of Health, Marisol Touraine, wishes in particular to develop it thanks to financial incentives for hospitals.