Ejaculation is said to be excellent for male health. It would reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 22% if it is performed regularly. At least 21 times a month.
Researchers at Harvard University (USA) followed 31,925 healthy men aged 20 to 49 for eighteen years. During the study period, 3,839 patients developed prostate cancer and of these, 384 died.
All the volunteers were asked about the frequency of their ejaculation. Scientists have correlated the number of ejaculations with the risk of prostate cancer.
They observed that the fact ofejaculate at least 21 times per month reduces the risk of prostate cancer by 22% compared to those who ejaculated only 4 to 7 times in the same period.
“The underlying mechanism of this protective effect lies in particular in the decrease in the concentration of carcinogenic substances present in the prostatic fluid”, explain the researchers. “Or, the male orgasm contributes to reduce the number of aging cells more fragile and therefore more at risk of developing cancer”.
This study confirms the results of a previous study carried out by the University of Montreal. Published in it revealed that when a man has dated more than 20 women in his life, his risk of developing prostate cancer is reduced by 28% (from the most to the least aggressive) and that of suffering from a type of cancer aggressive decreases by 19%, compared to those who have known only one partner. And that the men who said they never had sexual relations were almost twice as likely to develop prostate cancer as those who did.
Prostate cancer is the leading cause of cancer in men. In France, 71,000 new cases are diagnosed each year and this disease is the cause of nearly 8,870 deaths. This cancer concerns a total of 300,000 men in France.
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