VIDEO – The Biomedicine Agency reminds us on the occasion of the national day of the rules relating to donation: everyone is presumed to be a donor.
All suspected donors. The Biomedicine Agency launched an information campaign on June 18 in which it recalls the conditions of the donation: “You are a donor. Unless you say you don’t want to be a donor, ”one poster sums up. The National Day of Reflection on Organ Donation and Transplantation on June 21 stresses the importance of making your will known.
New measures
A man, a woman, 15 rugby players: here are as many potential donors. Through scenes from everyday life, the Biomedicine Agency highlights in a spot various profiles presented as donors.
Since 1976, unless they are registered in a register, every citizen has been eligible for organ harvesting if conditions permit. But only 7% of French people know of the existence of this register. In thirty years, less than 100,000 people have used it.
With this new campaign, the Agency also recalls that the device will undergo some changes, as part of the law to modernize the health system. Thus, from 1er January 2017, a decree of the Council of State will set the methods of refusal in addition to the existing one. Details are available on the website, which has been given a facelift for the occasion.
21,000 people waiting
Support for families will also be strengthened: new rules of good practice will allow medical teams to approach relatives in an appropriate manner. Because the subject is delicate: the conditions for removing an organ are often brutal – after a stroke or a road accident, for example.
“The transplant is a victim of its success,” said Anne Courrèges, director of the Biomedicine Agency invited by Why actor. We need a collective mobilization. And for good reason: 21,000 people are awaiting transplants. The shortage mainly concerns the kidneys.
Find The Health Guest with Anne Courrèges,
Director of the Biomedicine Agency