Inequalities between men and women over oral sex still persist, according to an English study.
Sex is the mirror of society. If the evolution of morals tries to achieve equality between the sexes, the fight is still long … Inequalities still persist when it comes to oral sex. A study, conducted by the English Pacific University and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, published in the scientific journal Journal of Sex Research, looked at how young English people define and view sex. oral.
The researchers interviewed 71 men and women aged 16 to 18, and tracked them down a year later, to assess potential changes in their relationship to oral sex.
Cunnilingus: an issue for men
Even though they consider “sexual equality” to be important, a majority of young people describe cunnilingus as an “issue”. Conversely, fellatio remains for those surveyed an act more systematically performed. In short: more obvious.
Performing oral sex would be more “unpleasant” for the man than for the woman. “A lot of research has been done on vaginal intercourse, but we knew very little about the expectations and experiences of young people with oral practices,” says Ruth Lewis. This research allowed us to have an idea on the way in which young people regard oral practices ”.
Women are more accommodating
The young speakers spoke about the way in which men spoke of the female sex. Negative connotations prevail. Suddenly, aware of these remarks, young women would be more divided on their desire to have cunnilingus. Still according to the study, very many young men accept their refusal to practice cunnilingus, in particular out of disgust. Women are more likely to perform oral sex to please their partner.
According to Ruth Lewis, it is therefore urgent to sensitize young people to the importance of sexual equality. “Sex education should cover more topics than pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. It should develop the critical spirit of adolescents as to the image that society conveys of the female and male body, the nuance between consent and constraint, etc. ”.
So there is still a lot of work to be done.