The delegation of tasks to orthoptists at the ophthalmologist has obtained funding for two years throughout the territory. The measure aims to reduce waiting times.
Overcoming the shortage of specialists is the challenge set by the National Union of Ophthalmologists of France (SNOF) at the end of December when it presented its latest projections in medical demography. And to believe him, in 2025, the shortage of practitioners will be a bad memory. This is notably thanks to the delegation of tasks to other eye care professionals, in particular orthoptists. Good news for the latter, this measure, initially experimental in certain regions, has just been generalized to the entire territory.
A successful experience in Pays-de-la-Loire
The protocol tested in Pays-de-la-Loire (from September 2013) has indeed made it possible to reduce the average waiting period from nine months to fifteen days. A great success when you know that the average waiting time to get an appointment with an ophthalmologist is 108 days. An average that masks, in addition, significant regional disparities. The wait time can be up to 368 days in some territories.
In this context, a decree published in the Official Journal (OJ) on January 20 authorizes for two years the exceptional financing by the Health Insurance of two cooperation protocols between ophthalmologists and orthoptists. The first concerns children aged 6 to 15 and the second concerns adults aged 16 to 49. Patients with no known pathology and showing no visual discomfort other than glasses may be seen by the office’s orthoptist. The ophthalmologist will check the file and the examinations a posteriori, and will send the prescription to the patient.
The French in favor of the delegation of tasks
In a Press release published a few days ago, the SNOF also praises the “economic” nature of the measure “since the support of the device in the Pays-de-la-Loire amounted within the framework of the experiment to 23 euros by act and per patient, against 28 euros for a classic ophthalmologist consultation, which would be a source of savings if this quotation were retained, ”specifies the union.
In addition, he recalls that, according to a SNOF – IFOP (1) survey conducted last September, 8 out of 10 French people would agree to be seen by an orthoptist in the ophthalmology practice for a simple follow-up.
Several regions already interested
Dr Thierry Bour, president of SNOF, concludes: “All that is needed is the final evaluation of the Haute Autorité de Santé to be able to register these acts in the nomenclature of reimbursement by Health Insurance and reduce thanks to the delegation of tasks. wait times across the country. About thirty colleagues are already interested in this solution and several are experimenting with it with the ARS in their region: Midi-Pyrénées, Alsace, Ile-de-France, Lorraine, Burgundy, and Rhône-Alpes. With this decree, the other regions will certainly follow. “
(1) Survey conducted by IFOP from September 18 to 25, 2014 on a sample of 1000 people, representative of the French population aged 18 and over.