Since the launch of selling drugs online on July 12, fraudulent sites of Belgian, Spanish or Russian origin multiplied on the internet. A real danger for consumers, who risk buying and use counterfeits with questionable effects.
The Order of Pharmacists has decided to act to put an end to the proliferation of these illegal sites and is considering creating a specific domain name to allow Internet users to better identify them. This site “will be accessible only to those registered with the Order, who remain totally free not to use it”, confides Isabelle Adenot, president of the National Order of Pharmacists, to the Medical Press Agency.
The domain name, which will be completed by the name of the dispensary or pharmacist, will be Pending the validation of this project by the governing bodies of the Order of Pharmacists, to be sure to avoid any fraud or scam on the web, “the site must be linked to an existing pharmacy, that the logos of the ‘Order of pharmacists or the Ministry of Health are displayed as well as the online authorization number assigned by the Regional Health Agency “, recalls La Dépê