To what extent does weight loss benefit the muscles in obese people ? This is the question that will try to answer the Toulouse University Hospitalby launching a clinical study in seniors with obesity.
For the purposes of the experiment called “ELDSURG”, the hospital is looking for 25 volunteers aged 60 to 75. Age is the first of a series of criteria that applicants must be able to meet.
In detail, they must be overweight, i.e. have a BMI (Body Mass Index) greater than 30. This obesity must be accompanied by associated diseases (arterial hypertension, sleep apnea, severe respiratory disorders, type 2 diabetes, disabling bone and joint damage, etc.).
The volunteers must also feel physical discomfort (walking slowed down by weight or disability, loss of muscle strength) related to their obesity.
They must also accept the principle of obesity surgery by gastric banding. Some of the participants will indeed have a ring put on as part of a significant weight loss (about 20 kilos) while others will lose weight (3 to 5 kilos) through a specific diet. All will follow a physical training.
Researchers will then be able to compare the impact of weight loss related toGastric Bandor simple food restriction on muscle mass. “The objective of this study is to show that a significant weight loss (about 20 kg) improves the muscular capacities of an obese person, when it is associated with physical and sports training”, summarizes the University Hospital of Toulouse in a press release.
Seven test centers
The Toulouse University Hospital was chosen by the Ministry of Health to coordinate this work in seven centers in France (Paris, Lille, Lyon, Angers, Nantes and Toulouse), indicates Why Doctor.
>> To read also:Infographic: everything you need to know about obesity