The British health institute NICE has just published new recommendations to fight overweight and obesity. In particular, he encourages the English to monitor their weight using smartphone applications.
Obesity has become a real public health problem. To fight against this scourge, the National Institute for Excellence in Health and Care of the United Kingdom (NICE), the equivalent of the High Authority of Health in France, has just updated its recommendations. The most recent dates back to 2006. However, over the past ten years, the rate of obesity has practically doubled in England. So it was time to give some new advice.
And this program “is for everyone and not just for obese or overweight people”, as Mike Kelly, director of NICE recalls.
Follow a diet based on Mediterranean vegetables
“We all know we should take the stairs instead of the elevator, watch less TV, eat healthier and drink less alcohol. But today we want to give new, more precise recommendations, ”says Mike Kelly. The list is long: do not watch television for more than two hours a day, or even set up days without television, avoid products containing added sugars (sodas, fast food), walk or cycle to work, follow a diet based on fish, olive oil and Mediterranean vegetables. And to closely monitor their weight and level of physical activity, NICE does not hesitate to recommend using mobile applications.
“New smoking”
In recent months, the United Kingdom has stepped up action to combat obesity. Last August, the government launched an emergency campaign specifically to combat childhood obesity. Last week, the UK health department named obesity ‘the new smoking’ in terms of its impact on public health …
In France, about 1 in 8 people are obese and 40% of the inhabitants of France are overweight. Regarding French children, 15% of them are obese or overweight.