Overweight or obese mothers are more likely to give birth to daughters who will also suffer from this chronic condition, according to the results of a study. study published in the medical journal Scientific Reports.
Researchers from the University of Auckland (Australia) and Uppsala University in Sweden carried out a study with 26,561 Swedish mothers and their 26,561 first daughters.
Scientists have found a 4-fold increase in the rates ofobesity, which rose from 3.1% among pregnant women between 1982-1988 to 12.3% among their daughters between 2000-2008.
Communicable obesity from mother to daughter
The results of the study showed that overweight mothers were almost three times more likely than normal-weight women to have a daughter who became obese as an adult. The researchers also concluded that mothers obese were five times more likely to give birth to girls who later become obese.
“Daughters of obese mothers have a high risk of becoming obese in turn because of the feeding of the household and its bad habits, and perhaps also because of overfeeding of the babies in utero, thus accustomed to storing them. fat afterwards, ”explained Dr José Derraik of the Liggins Institute. He also recalls that “being obese increases in pregnant woman the risk of suffering from pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, miscarriage or infant mortality ”.
“This study highlights the importance of trying to break the cycle ofobesity doing what we can to prevent obesity early in life. Unfortunately, it is not easy. Obesity is a serious public health problem that requires solutions at all levels of society. “
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