In France, the culture of organic is opposed to that of junk food. But can we eat organic when we have little money? Why Doctor takes stock.
In the West, the poorest people generally eat badly. Their diet lacks fiber, vitamins and micronutrients because they usually eat few fruits and vegetables. On the other hand, they have higher levels of free fructose, due in particular to a high consumption of sodas. Indeed, people in precarious situations often eat more fatty and sweeter foods. Whether ready-made meals or ultra-processed foods, reputed to be very bad for your health. The culture of junk food is opposed to that of organic, which is much more expensive. Can we eat organic when we have little money?
Eating organic is on average 30% more expensive
Depending on the measurement methods, the difference between an average “normal” shopping basket and an “organic” one is 26 to 74% more expensive, the average being 30% more budget. But if we compare the basket of a person who eats nothing organic with that of a person who only eats organic, the difference is 12%. Indeed, 100% organic consumers prepare everything themselves, eat less meat and often have less addictive eating habits. They buy fewer processed products, drink less alcohol and smoke less, which allows them to save money.
But 12% more remains a huge difference when you don’t have a penny. According to the organization ATD-Fourth Worldfor the 3.5 million French people in food insecurity – the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) defines this concept as “the impossibility or the fear of not having access at all times to sufficient, healthy and nutritious food” – the “shopping” budget is established only after having paid for accommodation and the bills. From the 15th of the month, half of the parents questioned in this study only eat one meal a day so that their children can eat more. From the 20th, many of them eat only two meals a week. Impossible to think organic under these conditions.
The consequences of the energy bill for the poorest
Among the poorest people, the purchase of junk food is not only determined by the price of food but also because of the energy bill. Microwaving a prepared dish costs much less than cooking fresh, non-dairy products. It’s also much faster with tin cans. However, when we know that for the French in food insecurity, the total energy bill can exceed 25% of expenses, even 50%, this gas saving weighs in the balance.
Associations to help you eat organic
Founded by Boris Tavernier, the Vrac association, based in Lyon, Bordeaux, Toulouse and Paris, offers the poor a wide variety of products, almost all organic and local, of high quality and which are usually only found in organic signs.
“To date, the association offers around fifty references: bulk food products, fresh products, groceries (honey, fruit juices, compotes, coffees, teas, etc.), but also organic products. maintenance, hygiene and body care”, is it explained on the site of the The Minister of Agriculture. “We do not make any margin on sales, thanks to partners who play the game… and who also find it in their interest”, specifies Boris Tavernier.
A few tips for eating organic at a lower cost
For people who can eat their fill but do not want to explode their shopping budget by consuming organic, it is above all a question of getting organized. Having your own vegetable garden is of course the best way to save money while eating healthy. If you don’t have the space or the time to manage a vegetable garden, make do with a few pots. This will allow you to buy fruits and vegetables in smaller quantities. When you do, remember to consume seasonal products. You will be more likely to consume organic and this will allow you to support local farmers at a lower cost.
Also remember to favor bulk food, because not only do the products contained in the packaging sometimes contain toxic materials, but some foods are twice as expensive when they are packaged. And if you want to eat organic without becoming a vegetarian, consider taking a look at the butcher and the fishmonger: the products are often cheaper there than in supermarkets and yet much better. The remaining meat, however, is an expensive commodity, prefer less expensive pieces. Just cook them well.
Of course, the golden rule for saving while consuming good products is to cook yourself. If you have little time, cook for several days at once and put the leftovers in the fridge or freezer to eat later.
You can eat well without eating organic
To eat properly, the main thing is to control what you eat. And therefore to cook yourself, fresh products. “A real meal consists of a certain number of foods that must be eaten: vegetables, cooked or raw, a source of protein, animal or vegetable (mixing the better is better), dairy products and fruit”, explains nutritionist Patrick Serog to Why Doctor.
And it doesn’t matter organic, according to him. “At this time, there is no evidence that organic improves people’s health ! It is above all a question of personal convictions. If we consider that organic is better for us, either we put the means into it, or, if we don’t have the means, we must not despair and tell ourselves that in traditional food, it is enough to ‘use as many ‘raw’ foods as possible, wash them, peel them, cook them and we will then have foods that will be contaminated as little as possible by pesticides”, assures the expert.