“Having practiced medical abortion in town for years in my office, I have never prescribed 4 to 8 days off work for a medical abortion … Either there is a complication and the patient had to be seen in the gynecological emergency room for hemorrhage and sick leave is prescribed for complications Either all goes well and the patient is offered to choose as the day of expulsion a public holiday with an adult, if possible the companion or a friend, or taking a day off. This saves him from giving his employer a work stoppage and fear of having to explain himself to his colleagues “.
A chapel quarrel
In this message posted on Syngof’s Facebook page, Dr Elisabeth Paganelli, secretary of the union, protested against the prescription of days off work after medical abortions.
Behind this message on work stoppages also hides the dissatisfaction of gynecologists after the publication in the Official Journal of a decree authorizing midwives having acquired experience in this area within a health establishment, to perform medical abortions.
“This decree making possible the prescription of a work stoppage, renewable once, appears as the beginnings of a medicine fully practiced by a profession which has never learned it” they declare.
Needless to say, this post quickly went viral on social media and a large number of women reacted quickly, notably reminding gynecologists that the reason for a work stoppage never has to be communicated to the employer.
Read also :Abortion, vaccination: the skills of midwives are broadened
One in four pregnancies end in abortion
Testimonial: how I experienced my abortion