Leave-in gels are hydro-alcoholic products: the alcohol they contain alters bacteria. So that the sensation on the skin is not too rough, we add emollients which prolong the contact time with the bacteria to better destroy them. Just apply a small amount of product in the palm of one hand and rub palms and fingers until they are dry (in 30 seconds maximum) … and you are protected.
When to use them?
In public transport, by car, in your gym, public toilets, in the square, on picnics, in restaurants … and of course in the event of an epidemic of gastroenteritis or flu at the nursery because the affected surfaces (such as doorknobs) become areas of possible transmission of the virus. Also use it after petting an animal, before changing your baby and in any situation where you cannot wash your hands with soap and water. An example: in the event of a gastro epidemic, a person who washes their hands improperly after going to the toilet will infect 75% of the people with whom they shake hands. Convincing, right?
There are between 10,000 and 100 million germs per cm2 of skin on our hands. This shows how formidably efficient the transmission of pathogens by a simple handshake can be!
And at the office?
Your phone is obviously a nest of germs because we touch it, we spit in it … But your computer keyboard and your mouse can carry a number of germs up to 400 times higher than those that we “frequent” “while sitting on the toilet bowl.