Naomi Musenga died of “intoxication with paracetamol absorbed by self-medication over several days,” the Strasbourg public prosecutor announced on Wednesday. Explanations.
The Strasbourg public prosecutor, Yolande Renzi, clarified the circumstances of the death of Naomi Musenga, the 22-year-old girl mocked by an operator of the SAMU when she called for help last December and died a few hours later.
“The medical elements obtained explain the death of Naomi Musenga as being the consequence of intoxication with paracetamol absorbed by self-medication over several days,” she explained in a statement. “The progressive destruction of his liver cells resulted in failure of all of his organs leading quickly to his death.” Specifically, Naomi died of acute toxic hepatitis, the destruction of all the cells in her liver. Since this organ regulates many processes in the human body, it is obvious that complications could have arisen quickly.
Remember that during their telephone exchange, the operator of the SAMU was contemptuous, mocking and had hung up too quickly without sending an ambulance to the young girl. Naomi had to wait five hours to be taken care of by SOS Médecins, who finally sent her to the hospital. She died there on December 29, the victim of a heart attack, due as we know today, to “paracetamol intoxication”.
Legal information against the operator
Convinced that rapid treatment would have saved Naomie, her family had written to the prosecutor so that justice could take up the case. The Strasbourg university hospitals in which Naomie died also opened an administrative investigation, while the Minister of Health requested another investigation from the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs (IGAS).
It’s done. The public prosecutor of Strasbourg also announced today the opening of a “judicial investigation of the chief of non-assistance to person in danger against the operator of the emergency call center and all others, as well as of the chief of manslaughter against X “.