This surgery is recommended for those who see blurry from a distance because the image of a distant object is formed in front of the retina, due to an eye “too long”. About twenty years ago, the first laser operations concerned only low myopia. Today, thanks to high-performance computer programs which make it possible to drive the light beam, it is possible to operate on certain myopias previously considered as incurable (up to – 12 diopters). However, the intervention is only indicated when the sight has been stable for at least a year, that is to say on average around 21 years in people with low myopia and around 28 years beyond – 7 or -8 diopters. Excluded are people whose cornea is too thin, diseased or weakened. In the event of myopia greater than -10 D (or even -8D depending on the morphology of the cornea), the placement of an implant will give better results.
How’s it going?
The laser “planes” and “flattens” the cornea, thus shortening the too long eye, in order to deflect the path of the cornea. the light to move the image further away and sharpen it. Depending on the patient’s profile, surgeons have the choice between three techniques (Excimer surface laser photoablation or PRK, Excimer laser photoablation in the thickness of the cornea or Lasik and Smile). Schematically, the Smile technique is possible up to – 10 diopters (-10 D) and the PRK up to 8D, provided that the cornea is sufficiently thick, regular, symmetrical and resistant. Lasik, which can treat myopia down to -12 D, is often preferred, because it allows faster recovery.
What results can we expect?
For low to medium myopia, the different techniques give an equivalent result: “85% of people operated on for myopia down to -8 D, will no longer need to wear glasses or lenses “, underlines Professor Thanh Hoang-Xuan, head of the ophthalmology department at the American Hospital of Neuilly.
>> To read also:
Wearing lenses at night would be effective against myopia
Myopia: children who play outside have better eyesight
Myopia develops with the number of years of study