Cancer: a scary word, a disease that disrupts a course. Why Doctor has collected the testimonies of patients whose lives have changed positively after this ordeal. Today, the testimony of Sophie, suffering from breast cancer.
“I am 41 years old and 2 boys aged 5 and 11.
‘Mr Crabe’, as I call him, came into my life in October 2017, a Friday the 13th. Banal control following a right breast operation to remove a benign adenofibroma. During this check-up, the radiologist told me “there is a new spot, probably nothing serious, but do a biopsy anyway”… What good advice: 3 weeks later I was told I had cancer… Of course, it It’s a crushing blow… dejection, doubts, fear and anger…
But I rolled up my sleeves, raised my head and I decided to really live this event in my life and to suffer it as little as possible: a different friend accompanied me to each chemo to make it a “nice” moment. chatting and sharing. I walked, ran,… with neighbours, girlfriends, school mothers… an entire entourage rallied around me and I discovered unsuspected resources within me. I followed up with 33 radiotherapy sessions.
All this, while working as soon as I could. Some customers didn’t even realize my struggle.
I had also created a FB group to tell the little anecdotes and highlights of this very special “adventure”.
“We must try to be positive”
The fight is not easy, there are ups and downs, but you have to try to be positive, to accept that you can’t control everything… and to take advantage of each day when you feel good. It is also necessary to accept the days of “less well”, the blows of softness… and to ask for help…
Today I am on hormone therapy. I don’t know if the battle is won but I’m enjoying every moment. I am moved by the beautiful landscapes, the encounters, the moments spent with my children, my husband, my friends… everything grabs my guts.
My new me, my new me, is to always be the same as before, a go-getter, a fighter, devoted to my work and to others… but also to accept to take a break sometimes, to take time for myself… He there’s still work to do to accept myself in this “new format” but I’m working on myself… Art therapy helps me a lot, and sports too.
I keep challenging myself! Mr Crab did not win! I’m going to Senegal in February for the Sénégazelle solidarity race. I was supposed to participate in 2018 but I had to cancel because of the treatments. So this year, I will be there! I train thoroughly, I run myself, who was not a fan of jogging!! I will have my revenge!!! And I take pleasure in taming my body, feeling it alive and “performing”, to my measure of course.
“Leave It All Behind”
I also parachuted in at the beginning of September with plummeting disease : jump into the void, jump into my new life to leave all that behind me.
So I would just like to say that I’m not the same anymore, it’s true, but I’m not completely different either… It’s my new me.
You all have the resources within you to become whoever you want to be.
My favorite leitmotif: “Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain” – Seneca.
So run, dance,… be whoever you want!”
To read more testimonials or tell your story, go to Facebook page CmyNewMeWhere website. A book bringing together these stories of rebirth is in the process of being published.