This year, the music festival will again make a lot of noise! On the program: jazz, rap, pop, rock, classical, DJ sets, choir etc … there will be something for everyone. But, as the JNA association (National Hearing Day) reminds us on its site “music must be a lasting pleasure, and not damage our hearing”. For this occasion, the International DJ Bob Sinclar is committed to supporting the hearing prevention system set up by the JNA association.
An educational comic made with Bob Sinclar
According to a survey carried out by the JNA association, 20% of young people between the ages of 17 and 25 suffer from temporary or permanent whistling as a result of sound exposure. The objective of this mini comic carried out by the DJ and the JNA association is to raise awareness but above all to encourage them to wear hearing protection during festivals and concerts. On this educational comic book, Bob Sinclar, before starting his concert, reminds the thousands of people who have come to listen to him not to forget to protect their ears with earplugs. Accessible everywhere in France, this preventive cartoon will be free and distributed in more than 200,000 copies in supermarkets, restaurants, among health professionals, in festivals and in several theaters.
Bob Sinclar spoke on the website of the JNA association to explain this project “For me, this comic is to be able to tell people: pay attention to your ears, protect yourself as much as possible, do not stay close speakers, if you want to participate as much as possible, and be in front, put on earplugs to protect yourself. Plugs do not cut you off from the music but make you participate, without risk! You should not demonize music either , music is emotion, life, it is only happiness! With everything that is happening around us, music, concerts, discos, it is to leave the everyday life , you have to do it with responsibility, but don’t forget to have fun! “
Read also :
Video: how to use earplugs
4 ways to take care of my ears