Never two without three: after Pfizer and its 90%, and the Gamaleya Institute and the 92% of the Sputnik V vaccine, it is now Moderna’s turn to claim 94.5% effectiveness for its vaccine against Covid- 19 which it hopes to market in the United States by the end of the year.
- The American company Moderna indicates its vaccine against Covid-19 is 94.5% effective.
- Last week, the Russians at the Gamaleya Institute claimed to have a 92% effective vaccine while the American-German alliance Pfizer/BioNTech had a 90% effective remedy.
With any luck, at this rate, the 100% effective vaccine against Covid-19 could be announced by the end of the year! Today, the American company Modern announced the 94.5% effectiveness of its candidate vaccine against Covid-19. His announcement follows the companies Pfizer and Gamaleya which are also well advanced in the fight against the coronavirus.
The company Moderna is one of the first to have embarked on the design of a vaccine against Covid-19. For its vaccine candidate, which it says it administers with two injections, Moderna has carried out tests on more than 30,000 participants in the United States, of which 42% have been done on people at risk.
Also works through messenger RNA
The results obtained by the pharmaceutical company during phase III show that its treatment is 94.5% effective against Covid-19, the highest rate so far. However, these results should be taken with caution since the trial phase is still not over.
Last week, two other companies also announced encouraging results in their race for the Covid-19 vaccine. The American company Pfizer was the first to reveal the results of the vaccine on which it is working in collaboration with the German BioNTech. The remedy that the two companies are working on is said to be 90% effective, and would work with the injection of a messenger RNA that will give our immune system the tools it needs to ward off SARS-CoV-2.
A possible marketing in the United States by the end of the year
For its part, Russia has also announced very good results for its Sputnik V vaccine, with an effectiveness rate of 92%. The Gamaleya Institute, the company behind this research, decided to focus its attention on the injection of transformed adenovirus (the cold family), comprising a piece of the genetic material of Covid-19.
As with the vaccine developed by Pfizer-BioNTech, the drug Moderna is working on also works through messenger RNA. However, where Pfizer’s product had to be stored at -70°C, making it difficult to store in some countries around the world, Moderna’s could hold at -20°C, the temperature of a standard freezer.
The American company is waiting for the end of phase III of its tests to request an emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the equivalent across the Atlantic of our drug safety agency. Moderna hopes to be able to market the first doses of its vaccine by the end of 2020, or even early next year.