Mint tea and rosemary are said to be excellent for preserving memory, according to the results of a presented to the British Psychological Society.
Researchers at the University of Northumbria (UK) conducted a study with 180 participants who were randomly assigned to receive a glass of mint tea, chamomile tea, or hot water. Before they had their drink, they filled out questionnaires about their mood. After twenty minutes, participants rated their memory and a number of other cognitive functions.
Memory boosted by mint tea and rosemary aroma
Analysis of the results showed that peppermint tea significantly improved long-term memory, and concentration unlike chamomile and hot water. Chamomile tea significantly slowed down memory and slowed down the speed of execution compared to both peppermint and hot water.
“It is interesting to see the contrasting effects on mood and cognition of the two different herbal teas. The enhancing and stimulating effects of peppermint and the calming and sedating effects of chamomile seen in this study are consistent with the claimed properties of these herbs “concluded Dr Mark Moss, Head of the Department of Psychology at the University of Northumbria and author of the study.
The researchers also analyzed the effects on memory of rosemary oil on a population over 65 years old. They found that the aroma of rosemary significantly improved forward-looking memory, the one that allows you to remember events that are about to take place and that organizes everyday life compared to the aroma-free room or the lavender-scented room.
“These findings support previous research indicating that the aroma of rosemary essential oil may improve cognitive functioning in healthy adults. This is the first time that similar effects have been shown for the health of people over 65. Further investigation is needed to understand the potential benefits of these flavors over the lifespan, ”concluded Lauren Bussey, co-author of the study.
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