The event is rather rare, senators are in step with the times. When Marisol Touraine launched a toll-free number on the occasion of the world day for the right to abortion, the elected representatives of the Palais du Luxembourg voted for a provision authorizing midwives to perform medical abortions.
First deleted by the Social Affairs Committee, the article was finally adopted by a show of hands in plenary session, notes Le Parisien. “A local response among others,” commented the Minister of Health.
If the amendment leading to this vote was presented by a socialist senator, Catherine Génisson, the right did not prevent it. “Allowing midwives to perform medical abortion will thus improve women’s access to this type of abortion in France, close to home”, commented Fabienne Keller for Les Républicains.
In 2013, 229,000 abortions were performed in France. Women aged 20 to 24 were the most affected, twice as many as women under 20.
However, each year, 6,000 of them go abroad because they have not found a local solution within the legal deadlines.
Remember that medical abortion is performed until the end of the 5th week of pregnancy, ie a maximum of 7 weeks after the start of the last menstrual period. In a healthcare establishment, this period can be extended up to 7 weeks of pregnancy. This method “consists of taking two medications, then checking that the pregnancy has indeed been terminated during a check-up visit”, explains the website of the Ministry of Health. Until now, the first tablet had to be taken in the presence of the doctor during a consultation, the second during a consultation or at home.