Among the good reflexes that you have adopted when it is (very) hot, you already have a good hydration and regular use of cool, air-conditioned places. But what about your behavior in front of your medicine cabinet? Because when the thermometer panics, our body does not tolerate certain families of drugs as well. “In the event of a heat wave, certain drugs are likely to aggravate an exhaustion-dehydration syndrome or heat stroke.“thus warns the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) in his “Focus on the proper use of medication in the event of a heat wave“published in June 2016.
Medicines that are toxic to the kidneys and liver in hot weather
This is, for example, the case of drugs with properties diuretics, such as treatments forhypertension, against heart disease or against edema. They risk worsening the dehydration since they increase the elimination of water by the kidneys. Likewise, this organ is at risk if you combine dehydration with taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, certain antibiotics, or anti-inflammatory drugs.epilepsy. Because the active molecules of these drugs will be more concentrated in your body if you lack water. As a result, if you don’t drink enough to dilute the drug compounds, the kidneys are going to drink. The ANSM therefore recommends that you hydrate abundantly and avoid taking aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs during a heat wave or a heat wave. Should we prefer paracetamol? Nothing is less certain, since a high concentration of this molecule can damage the liver. What to do then to calm his headache? Start by to drink a lot of water – headache may be a sign of dehydration or heatstroke – and opt for natural remedies like compresses of essential oil of peppermint or a decoction of ginger.
Neuroleptics and antidepressants interfere with temperature regulation
Another class of drugs to watch out for are those that block the sweating phenomenon. Because when it’s hot, the body regulates its temperature by sweating. This thermoregulation technique is, of course, not very glamorous, but very effective: without it, you would risk the heatstroke. However, neuroleptics, antidepressants, from antihistamines, antispasmodics or bronchodilators may interfere with the heat regulation mechanism. If these drugs are part of your usual first aid kit, favor even more cool or air-conditioned places during a heat wave.
Store your medication well away from heat in summer
Be careful, however: it is not because it is hot that you have to decide on your own to stop treatment. “The adaptation of current drug treatment must be considered on a case-by-case basis. Under no circumstances is it justified to systematically consider reducing or stopping drugs that may interact with the body’s adaptation to heat.“, recalls the ANSM, which recommends instead to seek advice from the doctor or pharmacist. Finally, your body is not the only one to suffer from the heat: the drugs, too, can get hot. them in a cool place and if you have to transport them, keep them for example in an insulated bag. Also remember not to cook them in your handbag in direct sunlight, or in the glove box of your car, which more and more resembles an oven.
National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM)
Vidal France – Online database of liberal prescribers
>> To read also:
Heat: symptoms to watch out for
6 tips for coping with the heat when you’re pregnant
Warmth: 5 tips to stay hydrated
A book denounces the side effects of drugs