This increase in the number of places concerns medical, dental, pharmacy and midwifery students. The “numerus clausus” should be abolished in 2020.
1,405 additional places will be opened in September 2019 for students in the various streams of medicine. A decree, published in Official newspaper on April 21, announces a 10% increase in the “numerus clausus”.
1,109 more places in medicine
In total, 14,928 places will be created in the four sectors of medicine, dentistry, midwifery and pharmacy. The biggest increase concerns medicine: 1,109 more places for a total of 9,314. 117 additional places are open in dental and 137 in pharmacy.
A deletion planned for 2020
Created in 1971, the “numerus clausus” must be abolished at the start of the 2020 school year. The measure is part of the health bill, which must be examined by the Senate in June. If passed, universities and regional health agencies will decide the number of places in the second and third year of medical studies. These decisions will be made according to the needs of the territory and the admission of students will depend on their results. The Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, said last February: “we are going to increase the number of doctors trained by about 20%. The measure must also contribute to the fight against medical deserts thanks to a better distribution of the number of doctors.
.@agnesbuzyn : “The goal is to ensure that every Frenchman finds a doctor” #le79inter
– France Inter (@franceinter) February 12, 2019
“The process will remain demanding and selective”
The first health municipality (PACES) will also be abolished with the reform. According to Agnès Buzyn, this must “allow access to these studies from diversified paths”, even if “the whole process will remain demanding and selective”. Today, one candidate out of seven is accepted in the second year of medicine.