A medical intern, originally from the Paris region, ended her life on Friday May 3 after completing her internship at the Lyon-Sud hospital center in Pierre-Bénite (Rhône).
She had just finished her first semester internship. A young medical intern, originally from the Paris region, committed suicide Friday May 3. She worked in the hepato-gastroenterology department of the hospital center Lyon-South in Pierre-Bénite.
According to Progress, the young woman was to begin her second semester of internship at the hospital of the Red Cross, still in Lyon. She was “very alone here. She did not have time to create links. When you work 80 hours a week, inevitably, that does not leave time to create links!”, Alarmed Antoine Reydellet, internal of the Hospitals of Lyon and President of the Inter-Syndical National des Internes (ISNI).
The latter specifies that the hepato-gastroenterology departments are renowned for their difficult working conditions. The number of patient deaths is quite high and “workload very important, linked to the lack of personnel”. Still according to the president of the ISNI, two other interns tried to end their days last week in France.
Interns, 4 times more affected by suicidal thoughts
After the announcement of the death, the ISNI and the SAIHL (Autonomous union of hospital interns in Lyon) reacted in a joint press release. “This death is added to a list already way too long and which unfortunately continues to lengthen”, they denounce. “The interns remain a fragile population with a risk of depression higher than the national average and are four times more affected by suicidal ideas”. In addition, the two unions indicate that the working time each week often exceeds 48 hours for interns, and this without respecting on-call rest periods.
For their part, the Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL) claim to have implemented several actions following the death of the young woman. Occupational doctors and psychologists notably met his colleagues. At the start of the year, a unit was set up in Lyon. The Center for prevention and intervention against harassment, sexism and mistreatment of students and interns during their hospital training (CEPIM) allows young people to talk about their difficulties. The same system has existed for two years for seniors. It is baptized CONCILYON.