The CSMF refused by 63% to sign the medical convention, endorsed this Thursday by three other organizations. Same attitude on the part of the SML.
The decision fell. The first liberal doctors’ union, the CSMF, will not sign the medical convention. The result of its extraordinary general assembly organized this Thursday is final: 62.9% of its troops voted against the text signed during the day by three other unions (MG France, FMF, Le BLOC).
This decision is only a half-surprise. This morning in Doctor’s Daily, Dr Jean-Paul Ortiz, president of the CSMF, confided that “there are many arguments for not signing this convention”.
Same story with the Union of Liberal Doctors (SML) where the general assembly voted 95.5% against. The representatives of the second specialist union voted in accordance with the wishes of their president, Dr Eric Henry.
On Twitter, he confided: “this new agreement establishes a price inequality between general practitioners and sector 2 specialists (free fees) as well as towards the patients of the latter who are less well reimbursed”. He also denounces the increases granted by Cnamts, which he describes as “artifices”. “There is no recognition of the work done by liberal doctors whose consultations are the cheapest in the world,” he concludes.
The consultation goes to 25 euros
This text which governs the relations of the 115,000 liberal doctors with the health insurance and fixes their fees for five years will nevertheless come into force. And it will significantly change the prices of several medical consultations.
As a flagship measure, the new medical agreement, established after five months of negotiations, provides for the revaluation of two euros for the basic consultation with the general practitioner. It will therefore drop from 23 to 25 euros on May 1, 2017. This demand has long been supported by the MG France union. But this will not change anything for the patient who remains reimbursed in the same way.
Other prices will change in November 2017
And as other achievements for liberal doctors, we can cite the new prioritization of consultations, according to their complexity, with acts at 25, 30, 46 and 60 euros or even aid of 50,000 euros for installation in medical deserts. . Including complementary health insurance, all the measures would cost nearly 1.3 billion euros over a full year, i.e. double the previous agreement.