30 days without lighting a cigarette is the challenge launched to smokers by the Ministry of Health. The Me(s) without tobacco, of which Pourquoidocteur is a partner, offers during the month of November a whole system to help those who would like to try – once again? – to quit smoking. Our journalist, Marion Guérin, is determined to take up the challenge. Will she succeed? You will find out by reading the blog that she will feed throughout this month.
So here we are. In a few hours, October is coming to an end. The weekend was loaded with tobacco: I liquidated the packets at an indecent pace, hoping that the nicotine would be stored somewhere in my body, so that it would diffuse in prolonged release throughout the month of November. I relight a cigarette and doubt seizes me. But what did I get myself into? I really want to deflate myself.
It was October 6. I had just returned from the press conference organized at the Ministry of Health to launch the “Moi(s) sans tabac” and I admit it, I was won over. I unpacked my kit in the editorial office’s open space, made jokes about the pin’s provided in the pouch, and in a burst of enthusiasm, I dropped the formula. “Come on, I’m doing it.” We were at the beginning of the month, and November seemed very far away.
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