One week before the first round of the presidential election, 5 personalities are projecting themselves as Minister of Health. Dr Joëlle Belaisch-Allart begins this series on the theme of medically assisted procreation (AMP).
In a few weeks, the Health and Social Affairs portfolio will leave the hands of Marisol Touraine. If Emmanuel Macron has already announced that he would appoint a doctor at the Ministry of Health, the other 2017 presidential candidates have not yet given a clue. But whether he is a health professional or from the political elite, the lucky one will inherit a complicated ministry to manage.
Over the past 5 years, the standoff has never ceased between the Ministry of Health and the doctors’ unions, particularly around the generalized third-party payment criticized by a large majority of the profession. The unease of caregivers was also one of the minister’s big files.
The next tenant of avenue de Duquesne will also be expected on more social issues such as access to medically assisted procreation (AMP) for couples of homosexual women, euthanasia or even the legalization of cannabis. So many debates in which associations wish to participate and make their voices heard.
Faced with these challenges, the drafting of Why actor proposed to various personalities from the world of health and associations to deliver their program for the next five-year term.
Dr Joëlle Belaisch-Allart is a specialist in infertility treatments and medically assisted procreation. Head of the AMP center of the 4-city hospital center (Hauts-de-Seine), she also the vice-president of the National College of Obstetrician Gynecologists. She has spoken out in favor of egg freezing for all women and access to ART for same-sex couples for years.
“In France according to bioethics laws, medically assisted procreation (AMP) is reserved for couples made up of a man and a woman, alive, of childbearing age and with medically proven infertility. Consequences: many French women wanting a child who have to go abroad. Beyond our borders, the preservation of fertility by oocyte conservation, pre-implantation screening for trisomy 21, treatment of homosexual women, and supervised surrogacy of women without a uterus are authorized; those who can pay do so, the others …
Me Minister of Health, I would recognize the inevitability of the fall in fertility with age and I would authorize self-preservation, wrongly called “societal”, to preserve the fertility of women who are not fortunate. to be able to fulfill their desire for a child when their fertility is at its peak.
Most often for lack of a spouse and not for a career as all the surveys show! Oocyte self-preservation is undoubtedly not a universal panacea, it would be preferable (but is it still possible?) To help women have their children earlier. Late pregnancies remain high risk pregnancies, and a limit should be set for the practice of IVF on these oocytes. But what reason can he persist in 2017 to deny women this right?
I, Minister of Health, would broaden the indications of the AMP while respecting the conscience clause of opposing doctors. Why can a couple of women have recourse to ART in Belgium and not in France? Why can a woman born without a uterus benefit from a uterus loan in England and not in France? What are laws that are valid only on one side of the border? They have no scientific basis, are based only on beliefs and in the era of modern means of communication they will not be able to last. Ethics must be universal or not. ”