Before the first round of the presidential election, 5 personalities project themselves as Minister of Health. Dr Valérie Auslender delivers his prescription against mistreatment in the hospital.
In a few weeks, the Health and Social Affairs portfolio will leave the hands of Marisol Touraine. If Emmanuel Macron has already announced that he would appoint a doctor at the Ministry of Health, the other 2017 presidential candidates have not yet given a clue. But whether he is a health professional or from the political elite, the lucky one will inherit a complicated ministry to manage.
Over the past 5 years, the standoff has never ceased between the Ministry of Health and the doctors’ unions, particularly around the generalized third-party payment criticized by a large majority of the profession. The unease of caregivers was also one of the minister’s big files.
The next tenant of avenue de Duquesne will also be expected on more social issues such as access to medically assisted procreation (AMP) for couples of homosexual women, euthanasia or even the legalization of cannabis. So many debates in which associations wish to participate and make their voices heard.
Faced with these challenges, the drafting of Why actor proposed to various personalities from the world of health and associations to deliver their program for the next five-year term.
Dr Valérie Auslender is a general practitioner. In “Omerta at the hospital” (1) which has just been published, she brought together the testimonies of 130 students who were victims of verbal violence or humiliation suffered in their apprenticeship. She explores, with experts, the reasons for this process of destruction in which the aggressor of today becomes the aggressor of tomorrow.
“I, Minister of Health,
I will review the entire managerial organization of the hospital system to make it more human, improve the working conditions of staff and provide sufficient staff in each department so that caregivers can flourish and have time to take care of themselves. of their patients and of training their students;
I will revalue the statutes and salaries of health professionals;
I will make the abuse of students in hospital a national priority;
I will create a National Observatory of Violence in the Health Environment specially dedicated to students
I will appoint a mediator in each care establishment to welcome students who are victims of mistreatment and defend their rights; I will develop awareness-raising campaigns against this mistreatment throughout the country;
I will make sure that all the aggressors breaking the law do not go unpunished and are condemned for the acts with which they are accused;
I will set up in each city reception structures – external to the establishments – to break the isolation of the students, to take them in charge on the medical and psychological level by professionals trained in psycho-trauma (doctors, psychologists, lawyers, …) and direct them to competent structures in the event of proven violence;
I will introduce in the initial training of medical and paramedical studies as well as in the continuing training of health professionals, teaching on relational and institutional violence, on the ethical questions raised by the confrontation with suffering, disease and to death ;
I will develop continuous training on tutoring, medical education and mentoring, so that caregivers can have all the qualities required to train their students in the best conditions;
Finally, I will value this status of trainer.”
(1) Omerta at the hospital, The black book of mistreatment of health students (ed. Michalon)