Wearing a mask during recess, taking your temperature before entering class… This week, the National Academy of Medicine published its recommendations concerning the reopening of schools from May 11, the date which will mark the start of deconfinement. in France.
- Schools must reopen gradually from May 11
- Strict distancing and hygiene measures must be respected
In accordance with the plan announced by the Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer, schools must gradually reopen in France from May 11, for a return of all classes on May 25. In order to limit the risks of a new outbreak of Covid-19 cases in France, the National Academy of Medicine (ANM) made its recommendations on Thursday April 23 in a press release.
The learned society recommends in particular to respect the distancing measures by arranging class timetables and by arranging desks at least one meter apart, as well as to “ensure a secure arrangement of places in the canteens”. The Academy also recommends not authorizing gatherings between students and parents outside schools as well as organizing recess in “small groups”, preferably “with the same children”.
The taking of the temperature of each child before entering the establishment is also mentioned, with the instruction of drefer “any child with fever to the treating doctor or, failing that, to the school doctor”. Training of teachers in the application of barrier gestures and hygiene measures before the reopening of schools is also recommended.
Strict hygiene measures
The institution also believes that schools should have a sufficient stock of anti-projection masks to wear during recess and when leaving school. Regarding nurseries, it recommends taking the infant’s temperature in an entrance hall with only one parent and the staff “of It is imperative to wear a mask and an over-blouse changed daily to provide care and give bottles”.
As for the health measures that are necessary, the ANM recalls the importance of washing your hands with soap and water several times a day, of putting bottles of hydroalcoholic gel in the classrooms and of regularly cleaning the surfaces ( classroom tables, door handles, stair railings, teaching aids, etc.).
The ANM’s recommendations are in line with certain terms issued by the Scientific Committee in a note submitted to the government on April 20 and publicly released this Saturday. The committee stipulates (among other things) the compulsory wearing of a mask among middle and high school students, the taking of meals in the classrooms and class tables located at a minimum distance of one meter from each other.