This new study reinforces the often held idea that marriage is linked to gaining a few pounds. According to a new survey carried out by German researchers on 10,226 people in 9 European countries, it would increase the waist circumference and increase the BMI of the couple.
Choosing to proclaim your love in front of the mayor would have a greater effect on the Body Mass Index (BMI) of men than that of women. “The BMI would be 26.3 in men in a couple, against 25.7 in singles. Women have an average BMI of 25.6 in a couple for 25.1 in a single person,” according to Le Parisien.
This study confirms a previous British study carried out in 2014. It revealed that the comfort of living together often rhymes with weight gain. According to this survey, conducted among 1,000 people, couples tend to gain just under 2 kilos during their first year of marriage and more than 6 kilos after four years. More precisely, 40% of couples declared having gained 1.8 kilos one year after their marriage, nearly 20% admit to having gained almost 3 kilos and only 18% believe that marriage had no effect on their weight. And 54% of couples have gained weight together. Women in particular would be reassured about their weight gain if this is also the case for their husband or boyfriend.
Marriage is healthy
But marriage also makes it possible to be in good health. Because it often involves healthier behaviors, better monitoring of medical treatments and a more diversified diet.
He would also protect against binge-drinking. Life as a couple and marriage seem to moderate the alcoholic motivations of the most revelers. Indeed, followers of binge-drinking (excessive and rapid consumption of alcohol) would tend to put water in their wine once married, according to a study published in the medical journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.
The same goes for cardiovascular diseases. Researchers from Harvard Medical School, analyzed for four years the state of health of 45,000 people who had had a cardiovascular disease or were at risk of having one. Scientists concluded that those who lived alone were more likely to die from heart attacks, strokes or heart problems than those who did not live alone.
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