1. Olive floral elixir
Why does it work? Aimed at people who are totally exhausted, mentally and physically “emptied”, it helps to regain energy and serenity, soothes the mind, strengthens the organism and restores the taste for life.
How to use it ? Take 6 or 7 drops, 3 or 4 times a day.
Ready to use product : Floral olive elixir, Deva, 8.80 € for 10 ml.
Additional tips: To find your balance, try yoga, meditation, sophrology, relaxation, tai-chi-chuan, shiatsu… It may be time to practice a relaxation activity. tent: painting, dancing, singing, music…
Resume gentle physical activity with a 30-minute walk a day.
Homeo pellets
Why does it work? Homeopathy is based on the principle of similarity: a substance which causes symptoms in a healthy person can cure a patient suffering from the same symptoms. Safe, it uses infinitesimal doses (very low) and takes into account the individuality of the patient.
How to use them? The burn-out happens suddenly, accompanied by anxiety, depression, agitation: Aconitum napellus 9 CH, 5 granules, 3 times a day until improvement.
In case of exhaustion, with lack of self-confidence, weight loss: Silicea 9 CH, 5 granules, 3 times a day.
If we’re under pressure, feeling misunderstood and depressed : Staphysagria 9 CH, 5 granules, 3 times a day.
If we brood, isolate ourselves and work without pleasure, more out of duty than taste: Sepia 9 CH, 5 pellets, morning and evening.
If you don’t talk anymore, withdraw into yourself, refuse to be consoled: Natrum muriaticum 9 CH, 5 pellets, morning and afternoon.
Black spruce essential oil
Why does it work? It is a tonic that stimulates the immune defenses and the adrenal glands.
How to use it ? Dynamic massage: in the morning after the shower and in the middle of the day, apply 2 drops of HE (essential oil) of black spruce on the lower back (hollow of the kidneys) and rub this area with closed fists. ©s. Make a cure of 10 days.
Revitalizing bath: pour 10 drops of this HE into a cap of the bath product.
Additional tips: eat light meals, with whole grains, dried fruits, green vegetables and fresh seasonal fruits, rich in vitamins and minerals.
Restrict coffee, alcohol, “fast” sugars (pastries, sodas, etc.).
Do a magnesium cure of marine origin (which promotes the proper functioning of the nervous system) and seawater.
(Quinton hypertonic, Quinton, 24.40 € for 30 vials. Pharmacies, organic stores).
Ginseng herbal tea
Why does it work? Ginseng is the anti-fatigue plant par excellence. It stimulates the immune system, tones, restores the ability to work physically, promotes intellectual concentration and helps convalescents to regain strength.
How to use it ? Put 1 g of root in a pan of water and bring to the boil. Simmer for about 5 minutes, then remove the ginseng.
Pour into a cup with 1 drop of Ceylon cinnamon EO (bark) diluted in 1/4 c. to coffee to honey.
Drink in the morning when you wake up, for a 10-day cure, 10 days apart.
It can also be taken in capsules, according to the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.
Ready to use product : ginseng, Naturactive, 15 € for 30 capsules.
Extra advice: learn about tui na, a traditional Chinese massage that rebalances vital energy.
Using different techniques, the therapist releases negative tension and removes emotional blockages. The session lasts 1 hour. Its cost varies between 40 and 60 €.
Click here to find a practitioner near you
A thalassotherapy cure to recharge your batteries
After a period of intense overwork, a stay in a thalasso center allows you to start off on the right foot. The Alliance Pornic centre, for example, offers treatments based on sea water, combined with hypnosis, sophrology and meditation sessions to relearn how to sleep.
More acupuncture to restore energy balance, yoga sessions, qi gong to release tension, tonic walks…
Alliance Pornic. Tel. : (0033)2 40 82 21 21. www.thalassopornic.com.
Our Experts
Françoise Couic-Marinier, doctor of pharmacy, graduate in phytotherapy and aromatherapy ALBERT-Albert-Claude Quemou, pharmacist, researcher
Thierry Morfin, naturopath (Paris)
For further
The right to disconnect enshrined in law
480,000 employees in France suffer from burnout
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