A resident of Lot-et-Garonne is trying to shed light on what he considers to be a “gross medical error” which cost the life of his companion and her baby shortly after delivery. Story.
Marc d’Angelo filed a complaint against X for the death of his partner and his baby after giving birth at the Villeneuve Health Center in 2017. Lot-et-Garonnais wants to know the truth, “so that all light is shed on what I believe to be a gross medical error”. He tells the story of this painful ordeal to our colleagues from The Dispatch.
Everything seemed normal to the doctors
The delivery of his partner Sandra is scheduled for September 3, 2017, but the first contractions are felt in August. An appointment with the midwife does not change the persistent pain of the future mother. “On September 3, the day scheduled for the delivery, we went to the Villeneuvois Health Center (PSV), he remembers. On the spot, Sandra explains that she feels a lot of pain. The midwife then asks the doctors to carry out a check to see if everything was fine, a check that was refused. On the monitoring, the data was normal”.
Doctors eventually send the couple home. On September 7, Sandra and Marc return to the Villeneuve Health Center for a pre-delivery check-up. “Everything seemed normal and the appointment is made for Saturday September 8 so that little Giulla comes into the world”. The future mother is therefore installed the following day in a room, then directed to the labor room. Until then, nothing abnormal.
Placed on a drip to speed up labour, Sandra is tired and in a lot of pain. The doctors administered a tranquilizer to reduce the pain and performed an epidural in the afternoon. According to Marc d’Angelo, that’s when everything changed. “She was getting weaker and weaker and she had a high fever, 38.9°C. She was then injected with another product to lower the fever. The gynecologist arrives, examines Sandra, for a long time and looking worried. He prepares so forceps so that the baby finally comes out. Sandra felt more and more tired”, he says.
“I saw him die in my arms”
The doctors deliver Sandra. Out for some fresh air, Marc returns when his baby is in the arms of a doctor. Then everything accelerates. “They tell me that everything is fine. I go into the delivery room. The midwives are a few meters from the bed, looking worried. I rush to Sandra. She is extremely cold. There is blood everywhere”. The father returns to his daughter and learns that she must be transferred to the Bordeaux University Hospital, without understanding why.
He returns to his companion and sees her in what appears to be a serious condition. “Her lips are blue, she no longer speaks to me. When I turn to the monitor, I see that his heart rate drops sharply, he says daily. I warn everyone. She continues to bleed. The gynecologist is busy sponging it up and I immediately think of internal bleeding. The doctors are then activated, lavish a long cardiac massage. But since she’s lost a lot of blood and the transfusion isn’t in place yet, there’s no point. Why aren’t there blood bags immediately available in such cases? It’s not normal. And I saw him die in my arms”. Sandra dies after childbirth, Marc and his family are in shock.
He does not understand why a caesarean was not performed as recommended by the protocol in the event of complications. The following day, he goes to the Bordeaux University Hospital to see his baby who is in care. But it was not until the next day, Tuesday, September 11, that Marc learned on returning there that his baby was dead. “I was then told that Giulla died. A problem due to childbirth and a lack of oxygen. All her vital organs were affected”.
This September 11, he filed “complaint against X with the Villeneuve police station, in order to know the exact circumstances of the death of (his) companion and (his) daughter”. An autopsy is performed, but the results are still pending. Marc has hired a lawyer and intends to shed light on this terrible tragedy.