Of genetic origin, celiac disease is an inflammatory disease of the small intestine leading mainly to transit disorders: constipationdiarrhea bloating… “The only way to relieve these symptoms is to cut out the gluten. This is a strict diet to be followed throughout life ”, underlines Professor Bruno Bonaz, gastroenterologist.
Removing gluten is essential
“Today, I am independent with regard to my illness and I prepare my meals. But initially, it was my parents who took care of me, ”says Vincent, 31, whose celiac disease was discovered at the age of 4. “At the time, it was more complicated, the range of gluten-free products was not as developed. Moreover, to adapt, the whole family ate gluten-free for a few months, ”he adds. For those who find themselves intolerant later, the help of a dietitian and the advice of the French Association of Gluten Intolerant (Afdiag) are invaluable.
“Gluten is a protein found in cereals (wheat, barley, rye, etc.). It is used as an additive in certain foods, such as cold meats or sauces, ”explains Professor Bonaz. Prepared dishes, pasta, pastries, bread … are therefore all prohibited.
Many substitutes are available
Composed of corn or rice flour, gluten substitutes are sold in specialty stores and, increasingly, in supermarkets. Their packaging is stamped with a crossed out ear, easily identifiable. At the doctor’s request, certain gluten-free products are partially covered by Social Security, up to € 45.73 per month for an adult and € 33.54 per month for a child (up to the age of 10 years).
Despite these constraints, rest assured, a social life remains possible. You will not find yourself alone in front of your plate! Vincent, he plays the franchise card: “I speak about my illness without taboos. My relatives are aware and during family meals, we adapt the menu and I bring my dessert. »And at the restaurant? “I prefer well-known places, and when I experience a new one, I explain to the cook what is forbidden to me. »More and more establishments offer gluten-free dishes. To find the nearest to you, there is a very practical site (www.sortirsansgluten.com).
Precautions to be observed
– Take a good look at the composition of all the products purchased.
– Wash your hands between two preparations (with and without gluten) and clean the work surface well.
– Use corn flour to make pastries.
Buy common utensils in duplicate (cutting board, wooden spoon, toaster, etc.). And reserve a copy for gluten-free foods, after labeling it.