New judicial summons for the Merck laboratory. The distributors of the new formula of Levothyrox were this Monday before the Toulouse tribunal de grande instance. Forty-two patients suffering from adverse effects – fatigue, headaches, insomnia, dizziness, joint and muscle pain and hair loss – want to recognize the prejudice of anxiety and the moral prejudice they suffered. Their lawyer Me Jacques Lévy is demanding € 30,000 from the laboratory, the maintenance of the marketing of the old formula and medical expertise to understand what happened.
A new complaint is added to the list
“The old formula will no longer be distributed in January 2019. In a short time, they will find themselves without the drug that does not make them sick but with the one that makes them sick”, pleaded the lawyer, reports 20 minutes. He mentions between 500,000 and 1 million suffering patients. Jacques-Antoine Robert, the lawyer for the Merck laboratory, replied: “We cannot at the same time ask for an expertise on the causes and at the same time an indemnity on the consequences”. According to him, associations of patients, doctors and pharmacists have been warned of the launch of the new formula, whose health authorities have confirmed the “good quality” last July.
At the same time, a complaint was filed for “influence peddling” by a hundred patients. A few months earlier, it was a complaint for “endangering the life of others, injury to physical integrity and non-assistance to a person in danger” which had opened a judicial investigation. The new plaintiffs will have to wait until November 5 to obtain their verdict. On December 3, 4,115 files of Levothyrox plaintiffs will also be examined by the Lyon district court, as part of a civil class action against the laboratory.
Read also :
- Levothyrox crisis: report calls for more transparency
- All about the Levothyrox affair