“Eat five fruits and vegetables a day”, “don’t eat too much fat, too sweet, too salty”. You surely know these “eating well” awareness slogans by heart. The High Council for Public Health (HCSP) issued an opinion yesterday to help consumers choose the right food products. It is based for this on twelve benchmarks of consumption against eight previously. The organization has studied the risks of chronic diseases caused or favored by food, and the risks of exposure to environmental pollutants such as pesticides or endocrine disruptors.
The HCSP has thus published a guide including the ideal frequency of consumption, the size of the portions, the foods of the same group to be favored or avoided, as well as the consumption limits not to be exceeded.
Raw and low-salt products
On the menu, less red meat, salt and cold cuts, and more legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans) and whole grains. A small handful of nuts per day (without added salt, of course) will complete the diet. Remember to vary the species and places of supply for fish and favor raw products to cook yourself. To keep in shape, the body reminds you to avoid large portions, snacking, but also diets, unless you are supervised and under medical supervision.
Also to read
Heavy eaters of red meat more exposed to inflammation of the intestine
Red meat consumption linked to kidney failure
Less meat but more vegetables: new ANSES recommendations