Cases of legionellosis are increasing in Languedoc-Roussillon. The ARS declared “since mid-August 2015 an unusual increase in the number of cases of legionellosis reported by health professionals” in the region”. The agency has identified 8 cases two are still hospitalized.
“Seven cases were first identified in people who had visited downtown Montpellier. Among these people, whose symptoms of the disease began between August 13 and 24, 2015, two are still hospitalized, and their state of health does not inspire concern. The other five are cured. An eighth patient from Montpellier, reported at the start of this week, however died on September 9 at the Nîmes University Hospital, ”indicates the ARS.
Find the sources of contamination
To understand the source of these infections, the health authorities are investigating the lives of patients, knowing that respiratory contamination would be possible through aerosols in public spaces (cooling towers of collective air conditioning, fountains, misters, etc.) or private (showers, whirlpool baths…).
Legionellosis is a serious respiratory infection caused by inhaling a tiny bacterium called “legionella”. This bacterium lives and grows mainly in water, ventilation and air conditioning ducts. It can therefore contaminate anyone in contact with contaminated water or air. In the majority of cases, under adapted antibiotic treatment, the evolution is favorable. In the majority of cases, under adapted antibiotic treatment, the evolution is favorable.
Read also:
Legionellosis: 1350 cases recorded in 2014